Monday, April 14, 2014

A Tale of 4 Sisters

It is said all the time, but Jesus really does have perfect timing.

Less than a year ago, in August 2013, He brought together 5 completely different women and basically said "Let Me rock your world."

1. Emily McLain. She is the epitome of loving and caring. She always puts other before herself. Her dream of becoming a speech pathologist is starting to fall into place as she is going to the University of Tennessee for graduate school in the fall. Men, she is single so you need to snatch her while you can! And she desires to be more like Jesus.

2. Calyn Meade. She can put a smile on your face without even trying. She lights up a room with her laughter and stories. When she isn't working on school, she is learning how to love her new husband well. She has a heart for missions, dance and sharing the Gospel to anyone and everyone. And she desires to be more like Jesus. 

3. Hannah Jackson. Hannah is the most compassionate person I have ever met. She is so real and vulnerable and her testimony is a perfect picture of redemption. She gets to study abroad this summer in SPAIN. Children, missions and Spanish are her passions and what makes her who she is. And she desires to be more like Jesus. 

4. Laura Smith. Our fearless leader and mother of 4. What a beautiful soul. She always has a smile on her face and she is always lookin' good. She is a woman that I aspire to be. Her love of Jesus and her love of life freely flow from her heart. She took the 4 of us under her wing and simply wanted to 'do life together.' And she desires to be more like Jesus. 

And then there is me. Newlywed. New teacher. Just became a Mississippi Resident and youth pastor's wife! (woah). Just trying to finish my Masters and get a job in a high school. I just desire to be more like Jesus. 

5 completely different women...with ultimately one goal in common. 

We all came into the group brining something different and Jesus crafted that to make something beautiful. 

We shared our  stories, 
                  and our lives...

And we formed a bond that can not be broken. We slowly became sisters. We are there to pick each other up if we fall and laugh at each other when we trip. We cry when it hurts and rejoice when we are overwhelmed with His faithfulness. 

I can't thank Jesus enough for His perfect timing and for brining this group together, just when we all needed it. I know we will continue to encourage, pray for and love each other no matter the distance. 

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