Friday, March 22, 2013

Psalm 100

I'm watching the NCAA tournament, specifically the Ohio State game. Ohio State is up 43-33, if you are wondering. My mind and my heart is kinda half watching the game because my better half is in New York on a mission trip. At halftime, before ESPN cut to commercial, they showed the OSU cheerleaders, which is normal...ESPN always likes to show the cheerleaders. Well this one simple shot/moment on television made my brain start turning. 

That could have been me! 3 years ago I was thinking about going to Ohio State. Cheering at Ohio State. Or maybe going to Louisville and cheering there. Western Kentucky was even an option. Tennessee? Never. I never wanted to be there, at that awful school, with the terrible colors and their stupid fight song. Dad, being dad, thought it would be a good idea to apply for an in-state school...just in case...even though I was determined that I was NOT going to Tennessee.

But God had different plans. On a tour of The University of Tennessee, that I forcefully went on, I suddenly knew that I was going to be in Knoxville at least for the next 4 years. My dream was always to cheer in college, but after realizing that I was going to UT, I knew that it wouldn't matter if I cheered or not. If I made the Tennessee team, great. If not, (which is clearly what happened) then I knew God had other plans for me specifically at UT. I gave up my dream to cheer in college because I knew that Tennessee was where I was supposed to be, regardless of cheerleading. 

With all of that being said, I can not believe where I am after just 3 short years. God has been so faithful and I am so amazed. I have gained the greatest friends I could have ever imagined. They know my heart, my struggles, my dreams and they love my unconditionally. I have gotten the opportunity to work with the coolest high school girls around. They have taught me more than they will ever know. I met the love of my life. I have been praying for him and hoping to meet him for years, and I finally did! He brings so much joy to my life. He is my best friend and my partner in everything. 

I am so thankful for all the blessings that surround me everyday. I can't believe that it has been 3 years since I made the decision to come to UT. God is so faithful and his love endures forever. Be thankful for what you have and who you have today. Remember your blessings and don't let them be overshadowed by hurt or the past or circumstances. 

"Wherever you are, be all there..." 

Shout to the Lord, all the earth! 
Worship the Lord with gladness. 
Come before him, singing with joy
Acknowledge that the Lord is God! 
He made us, and we are his. 
We are his people, the sheep of his pasture. 
Enter his gates with thanksgiving;
go into his courts with praise. 
Give thanks to him and praise his name. 
For the Lord is good. 
His unfailing love continues forever
and his faithfulness continues to each generation. 
Psalm 100

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